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Bradburys Global Risk Group recognise the importance of providing a website which is inclusive and available for all user groups. We believe that visitors to our website should have a choice on how they view the content of bradburys.co.uk and we are committed to providing a website which takes into account leading web accessibility practices.

We have endeavoured to ensure that the Bradburys Global Risk Group website meets the internationally recognised website guidelines produced by the W3C / WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0).

Supported browsers

bradburys.co.uk has been optimised to work best with the following browsers:

• Google Chrome
• Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 and above
• Microsoft Edge
• Mozilla Firefox
• Safari

We continue to develop content and continue to modify and update our website to ensure that we improve user accessibility and experience whilst working towards continued adherence to accessibility guidelines and leading practices.

We welcome feedback from all visitors to bradburys.co.uk. If you would like to share your views, opinions or recommendations, please get in touch via the contact page

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